Lincoln Sanitary District - Lincoln, Maine
 Lincoln, Maine




Flows and Loads

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Wastewater Flows and Loads at the Lincoln Wastewater Treatment Facility

Wastewater flows and loads of the original Lincoln wastewater treatment plant as designed by Anderson - Nichols & Company, Inc., included all of the existing processes, except for the primary clarifiers and wet weather grit removal system. Originally the facility was designed to adequately treat the following design year conditions to the required effluent limitations, as defined in 1979.

The original design year conditions are presented in Table 1.1. Actual / historical loads and flows are detailed in Table 1.2.


Table 1.1
Design Year Conditions
Population Served 5,200
Average Daily Flow 1.07 MGD
Peak Flow 2.371 MGD
Average Daily Suspended Solids (T.S.S.) 1,659 lbs. / day
Average Daily Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 1107 lbs. / day


Table 1.2
Historical Flows and Loads

Daily Load

Daily Load

Average Daily Flow

0.53 MGD

0.53 MGD

Average Daily Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 440 lbs /day 648 lbs /day
Average Daily Suspended Solids (T.S.S.) 500 lbs. /day 900 lbs. /day
Temperature ( Degrees Celsius ) 12 5